단어 카드: 53
- 1.
- daring and fearless
- recklessly bold
- 2.
- domineering
- characterized by a preference for complete obedience to authroity
- 3.
- charitable and kind in action
- 4.
- merry
- carefree
- 5.
- fragile
- apt to break or crack due to lack of elasticity
- 6.
- to polish
- to rub to a shine
- 7.
- to inspect
- determine or correct the graduations of an instrument by comparit it to a standard
- 8.
- means of disguising people or things to make them blend in with their surroundings
- 9.
- expert
- an informed and astute judge in matters of taste
- 10.
- dismay
- startling, distressing fear or shock that results in complete confusion
- 11.
- complex or complicated
- 12.
- the act of preparing or working land in order to grow crops
- 13.
- polished
- possessing education, refinement and taste
- 14.
- slyness
- shrewdness & craftiness
- 15.
- an attitude or quality of belief that all people are motivated by selfishness
- 16.
- a courteous and respectful yielding to the will of another
- 17.
- stubbornly opinionated
- 18.
- boldness
- impudence
- arrogrance
- 19.
- indigenous
- restricted or peculiar to a particular region
- 20.
- quintessence
- embodiment
- 21.
- scholarly
- very learned
- 22.
- lavishness
- an unnecessary or unrestrained spending
- esp. of funds
- 23.
- playful
- humorous
- 24.
- silly
- inanely foolish
- 25.
- loyalty
- faithfulness
- 26.
- not capable of being appeased or significantly changed
- 27.
- cleverness or inventiveness
- 28.
- excessive indulgence of appetite or passion, esp in regard to alchohol, lack of constraint
- 29.
- steadfast & courageous
- 30.
- the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, esp. in forgiving
- 31.
- thin, flexible film of tissue that covers or lines an organ
- 32.
- characterized by extreme care and precision
- attentive to detail
- 33.
- cursory
- done without care or interest
- 34.
- flexibility
- malleability
- pliability
- 35.
- permeable
- full of tiny openings able to absorb fluid or gas
- 36.
- practical rather than idealistic
- 37.
- assuming an unauthorized right or responsibility
- overly forward and arrogant
- 38.
- clean
- pure
- uncorrupted
- 39.
- uprightness
- adherency to the highest principles
- 40.
- extraordinary
- abundant in size, force, or extent
- 41.
- wise & carful
- showing good judgement
- 42.
- quality of being unyielding or stiff
- 43.
- small
- lacking substance in degree, amount or size
- 44.
- eager
- concerned and attnetive
- 45.
- mournful
- dark & depressing
- 46.
- lacking depth
- exisitng on or near the surface
- 47.
- artificial
- man-made
- relating to or involving the combination of parts to make a whole
- 48.
- winding
- twisting
- excessively complicated
- 49.
- obedient
- docile
- easily led
- 50.
- unstable
- lacking faithfulness or loyalty
- traitorious
- 51.
- genuine
- not false or hypocritical
- 52.
- unrestrained
- not tied down
- 53.
- justified
- authorized
- called for