2260한자중 301∼400한자

Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
Taoist super-being, transcendent, immortal
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
command, order
'commandant', magistrate
allow, cause
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
by means of
thereby, therefore
consider as
in order to
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
numerary adjunct for article
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
trust to, rely on, appoint
to bear, duty, office
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
position, post
rank, status
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
law, canon
classic, scripture
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
self, oneself
personal, private
6th heavenly stem
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
think, consider, ponder
final particle
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
consider, conjecture
materials, ingredients
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
glorious, as sun
daylight, sunlight
one of the seven planets of pre-modern astronomy (the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn)
Hangul Pronunciations
Simple English Definitions
to look at, look forward
to hope, expect